Asteroids from D to G

The number in parentheses after each asteroid name is its discovery number.

Dainere (308306)

Dainty (9758)

Dali (2919)

Dallas (8084)

D'Alviella (11574)

Damocles (5335)

Dancingangel (37530)

Dante (2999)

D'Arrest (9133)

D'Artagnan (14238)

Datura (1270)

Davidaguilar (5332)

Dawn (1618)

De Boo (22996)

Deborah (541)

De Broglie (30883)

Défi (10332)

Deiphobus (1867)

Delambre (13962)

Delgado (23221)

Delila (560)

De Los Santos (33219)

Dembowska (349)

Demeis (5589)

Demokritos (6129)

Dence (4340)

Derevskaya (2400)

Descamisada (1588)

Descartes (3587)

De Schepper (154714)

Desdemona (666)

Desiderata (344)

Deucalion (53311)

Devience (21419)

Devine (3561)

De Young (134244)

Dhotel (2109)

Dick (17458)

Diehl (90138)

Di Giovanni (17435)

DiNovis (22632)

Dionysus (3671)

Dioretsa (20461)

Discovery (9770)

Disneya (4017)

Distratis (27977)

Dix (6776)

Dizzy (5831)

DNA (55555)

Dobrynya (4762)

Doctorwatson (5050)

Doggett (6363)

Doi (4746)

Dolon (7815)

Doloreshill (164215)

Dominguez (22685)

Dominiona (24899)

Donaldavies (9448)

Donald Duck (12420)

Donnera (1398)

Don Quixote (3552)

Doubs (280642)

Drummond (4693)

Dryope (314082)

Dudu (564)

Dufu (110289)

Dulcinea (571)

Duncan (2753)

Earhart (3895)

Echeclus (60558)

Echnaton (4415)

Echo (60)

Edmondson (1761)

Educatio (2440)

Efthymiopoulos (84015)

Eger (3103)

Einstein (2001)

Elatus (31824)

Eleutheria (567)

Elfriede (618)

Eliane (1329)

Eliason (8804)

Elisabetha (412)

Elst-Pizarro (7968)

Elvira (277)

Emilezola (8096)

Emilybronte (39428)

EMP (5001)

Endymion (342)

Ennomos (4709)

Enricocaruso (37573)

Enterprise (9777)

Eos (221)

Epimetheus (1810)

Epistrophos (23382)

Epona (3838)

Erato (62)

Eric (4954)

Eriphyla (462)

Escalante (5095)

Espinette (2253)

Esquerdo (14026)

Esther (622)

Estrella (11697)

Eteoneus (12916)

Eureka (5261)

Excalibur (9499)

Fabian (25157)

Fagus (9021)

FAIR (204873)

Fanny (821)

Fantomas (242492)

Faraday (37582)

Fast (27719)

Fay (4820)

Feronia (72)

Ferrari (4122)

Ferraz-Mello (5201)

Fides (37)

Fierz (48782)

Filatov (5316)

Fisher (21451)

Fisico (22623)

Flagsymphony (6582)

Flammario (1021)

Fletcher (3265)

Flood (4220)

Flora (8)

Florentina (321)

Fole (10129)

Folsom (17952)

Forbes (21409)

Fossey (23032)

Foucault (5668)

Fox (16248)

Franklina (982)

Frappa (20246)

Fraternitas (309)

Freud (4342)

Frigga (77)

Fuchie (7891)

Fuchs (9638)

Fukuchan (39809)

Fukunaga (11495)

Fukui (6924)

Fukuoka (8159)

Fuss (4778)

G!kúnll’hòmdímà (229762)

Gaily (14092)

Galapagos (16809)

Galatea (74)

Galbraith (4089)

Galene (427)

Galvani (10184)

Garibaldi (4317)

Garuda (2307)

Gase (2388)

Gaspra (951)

Gaudi (10185)

Gaussia (1001)

Gay-Lussac (11969)

Geisha (1047)

Geng (21359)

Ghaben (23178)

Gilgamesh (1812)

Gillett (74509)

Giovarduino (29356)

Glaukos (1870)

Gleason (10639)

Gleim (29197)

Glo (3267)

Godiva (3018)

GOI (5839)

Gold (4955)

Goldfinger (16452)

Goldreich (3805)

Goldstein (5393)

Golevka (6489)

Golia (1226)

Golombek (6456)

GONG (21523)

Gonzales (15628)

Goode (11790)

Gorky (2768)

Gotha (1346)

Goto (2621)

Grant (3154)

Gray (236616)

Gregaria (8974)

Greifswald (10114)

Grieve (4451)

Grimm (6912)

Gropius (9577)

Gross (33800)

Grubba (1058)

Grundy (13927)

Gryll (24662)

Guardamano (21615)

Guest (4325)

Gulak (23722)

Gunn (18243)

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