
Asteroid 6735 Madhatter was discovered on November 23, 1992 at the Oohira unit of Nihondaira Observatory near Shimizu, Shizuoka, Japan, by Japanese astronomer Takeshi Urata. It has a period of 3 years, 62 days. Urata named the asteroid for a character from Lewis Carroll, the Mad Hatter.

"Mad as a hatter" is a venerable English expression which probably arises from the fact that old-time hatters, or hat makers, were subject to dementia and other neurological symptoms arising from mercury poisoning which was contracted by handling felt, which was routinely manufactured using mercury compounds.

It is this that seems to give rise to Madhatter's astrological meaning, madness.. Alice Cooper frequently wears top hats on stage, as does another shock rocker, Marilyn Manson.

Jeffrey Dahmer had Madhatter conjunct Athanasia(immortality) and Hammurabi(an eye for an eye); semisextile Quetzalcoatl(educating the masses); undecimal Ceres(nurturance) and Cosicosi(indifference); sextile the Sun(to shine), Pallas(mental perception), Hylonome(the people's desires), Nessus(predatory), Konstitutsiya(fundamental principles), Thule(pride and prejudice), and Tortali(dragged out into the light); quintile Saturn(consequences); square Jupiter(the law), Juno(the enraged underdog), Christabel(a wolf in the fold), and the Black Moon(wildness); biquintile Neptune(illusion, delusion); quincunx Vibilia(travel); triseptile Pluto(unforgettable, the trash can of society); quadnonagon the Part of Fortune(development); and contraparallel Mars(aggression, violence) and Sassi(defiance of society's rules).

Dennis Rodman has Madhatter out of bounds, in the 5th house of entertainment(near the cusp of the 6th house of work), forming the following aspects: conjunct Thule; semisextile Sun and Casanova(selfish pleasure); undecimal Tortali(daylight); decile Don Quixote(tilting at windmills); nonile Mars(athletics); sextile Uranus(rebellion), Vesta(commitment), Ceres(family), and the Vertex(significant relationships); quintile Pluto; trine Descamisada(hard work), Sassi, Thetis(reminders of limitations), and TARDIS(slow development); sesquiquadrate Jupiter(prosperity); biquintile Saturn; opposite Glo(celebrity); and parallel Cosicosi(being ignored).

Joseph McCarthy, who whipped the US up into a frenzy of hysteria about Communists in the 1950s and lost his reputation and career as a result, had Madhatter in the eighth house, conjunct Sassi; undecimal Atahualpa(ruthlessness); decile Mercury(the media, speech, writing), Uranus, and Pavlov(conditioned automatic response); semisquare Mars; sextile Flammario(incendiary actions) and the Vertex; square Jupiter, Asbolus, Heracles(to strive to overcome), Quetzalcoatl(the mighty fallen) and Yeti(strange beliefs); trine the Moon, Saturn, and the East Point; opposite Bologna("baloney"); and parallel Pandora(making a big splash) and Hammurabi.

Rodney King, a man with a long criminal history whose videotaped beating by Los Angeles police after a high-speed chase ultimately led to the 1992 riots in that city, has Madhatter sextile Asbolus(bad experiences), Bologna, and Thetis; square Pandora, Melpomene(tragedy) and Thule(pride and prejudice); trine Jupiter, Varuna(hugeness), and Rhiannon; quincunx Vesta and East Point triseptile Mercury; quadraundecimal Part of Fortune; opposite Sassi; and contraparallel Antenor(subversion).

The glyph for Madhatter is my own invention.

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